The Need

Sonshine Ministries International works to change the future for abandoned and orphaned children in Tanzania, East Africa. Poverty and disease have created confusion and turmoil for many families; the extended and foster family systems have been overwhelmed. With a population of nearly 38 million people, Tanzania has a swelling population of over 1.5 million orphans. Nearly 22% of Tanzanian children under the age of 15 have lost their parents to HIV/AIDS; this number is expected to increase to 2 million in the next 5 years.

The Ministry

We provide ministry programs in partnership with local churches, grade schools, orphanages, seminaries, colleges and businesses. Through conferences, seminars and street festivals our ministry strives to bring biblical truths, virtues and values to believers and non-believers alike, teaching God’s principles on family, marriage, child raising, work ethics, personal hygiene and lifestyle.


The Work

Sonshine Ministries cares for children who come from desperate situations; many living on the streets with little to eat. Each child has a unique story but they all have the same theme; mistreatment and neglect, living in misery and hopelessness.

Sonshine Ministries is working to change all that. We are committed to transforming the future for these children by ministering to the whole child, physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally; body, soul, spirit and mind.



Sonshine Children's Village

One thing we’ve noticed through the years; God always uses people; whenever there is a need He finds someone with a heart to help with that need.

We read in Philippians how Paul rejoiced in the Lord because the church had once again given to the needs of the ministry. Paul speaks of the fruit that would abound to their account. He tells them that the gifts they sent were a sweet smelling aroma; an acceptable sacrifice pleasing to God.

With your help we can build Sonshine Village together and rescue children who might otherwise not make it.



"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." - James 1:27